January's meeting was great, as usual. All of our regular members showed up, and we confused the other people in the food court with our laptops and routers all over the tables. So... a pretty normal meeting.
Here are some highlights:
- We flashed some WRT routers with Tomato OS. This is getting to be a regular activity!
- Also, we had a lot of discussion on international politics and interesting websites. Next time maybe we can write them down to be posted up here later.
- I was particularly pleased with my work recovering a Cisco wireless bridge. I might write up a post about it, if I remember.
- And we swapped hacking zines and back issues of 2600.
The next Hilo 2600 meeting will be this coming Friday, February 5. (Feel free to bring any old tech that somebody else might want.)
And hey, don't forget, the Winter issue of 2600 is out on the shelves, if you aren't a subscriber. I especially liked the article about portable wireless networks.